Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009

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Jumat, 16 Oktober 2009
kesaksian penderita batuk menahun

Nama saya Pratama Putra umur 20 tahun
saya menderita asma dan batuk menahun, setiap kali terjadi perubahan cuaca dari musim panas ke musim hujan saya pasti mengalami sakit batuk yang susah sekali sembuhnya bisa sampai berbulan2, dan setiap kali masuk ke mal yang ber AC saya saya selalu batuk2 seperti orang bengek, kadan malu sama teman-teman saya, saya juga sering kecapean dan tidak konsentrasi dan sering ketiduran pada saat belajar, rasanya tidak ada semangat.
saya dibelikan super cordycep oleh mama saya dari singapore katanya sinshe yang disana setelah dikonsultasikan mengenai masalah kesehatan saya menyarankan minum suplemen tersebut setelah saya minum selama 1 minggu sudah terjadi perubahan dimana saya tidak capek dan lemas-lemas, stamina saya meningkat dan yang lebih menggembirakan saya setelah rutin minum super cordyceps selama tiga bulan ternyata asma saya sembuh dan saya tidak seperti orang bengek lagi, dan saya sudah jarang batuk batuk lagi, saya sangat bersyukur dan berteima kasih kepada Tuhan atas ditunjukkannya jalan untuk mengatasi masalah asma dan batuk menahun saya.
cordyceps menurut saya penderita diabetes

nama saya donny
berikut kesaksian saya setelah minum super cordyceps natures green
saya menderita penyakit diabetes pada satu tahun yang lagi di usia saya yang masih relatif muda 38 tahun, hal yang sangat saya khawatirkan adalah dengan mengkonsumsi obat dokter yang berfungsi menurunkan kadar gula saya yang saya rasakan adalah "kejantanan " saya sebagai lelaki semakin berkurang dalam waktu 6 bulan setelah rutun minum obat penurun gula, dan hal ini sangat menjadi beban saya yang memang mempunyai istri yang lebih muda dari saya baru 25 tahun dan saya baru menikah sekitar 2 tahun, yan gboleh dibilang istri saya mempunyai hasrat sex yang cukup tinggi bisa melayani saya setiap hari. saya merasa tidak ada gairah dan kejantanan saya "loyo" tidak dapat ereksi dengan keras, sehingga istri saya susah sekali untuk mencapai orgasme, katanya seperti "agar-agar" sebagai seorang suami tentu menjadikan hal ini sebagai beban mental didalam menjalankan kehidupan rumah tangga.
setelah mendapatkan rekomendasi dari sahabat saya yang telah mencoba super cordyceps akhirnya pun saya membeli 6 box super cordyceps dan setelah saya minum dalam waktu 2 hari terasa stamina saya meningkat, konsentrasi lebih baik, mampu menyeter dan duduk dalam waktu yang lama tapi tidak terasa capek2 setelah pulang kerja, dan setelah saya minum dalam waktu 2 minggu gairah sex saya dan kemampuan ereksi saya jauh melebihi pada waktu 3 tahun yang lalu dan sungguh istri saya sangat puas dengan kemampuan saya, dan sampai saat ini saya terus mengkonsumsi super cordyceps dan stamina saya benar benar luar biasa
terima kasih telah menyelamatkan gairah perkawinan saya
donny. s
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Cordyceps sinensis
cordyceps sinensisCordyceps sinensis is also called the "caterpillar fungus." In the wild it grows on and acquires nutrients from several species of caterpillars. In China, it is referred to as "winter worm, summer grass." This fungus is found at high altitude in the mountains of China, Nepal, and Tibet.
Cordyceps attracted the attention of the general public and the health profession in 1993 when a group of Chinese runners broke nine world records in the World Outdoor Track and Field Championships in Germany. The coach of these Chinese athletes attributed those results to the athletes regular use of a Cordyceps-based tonic. Because Cordyceps helps increase stamina, energy levels, and endurance, it has become one of the top-selling sports supplements among the worlds' elite competitive athletes.
In traditional Chinese medicine, C. sinensis is considered to benefit the lung and kidney channels. It is commonly used with the elderly in China as a type of "super-ginseng" for rejuvenation and stamina.
cordyceps sinensisCordyceps sinensis is also called the "caterpillar fungus." In the wild it grows on and acquires nutrients from several species of caterpillars. In China, it is referred to as "winter worm, summer grass." This fungus is found at high altitude in the mountains of China, Nepal, and Tibet.
Cordyceps attracted the attention of the general public and the health profession in 1993 when a group of Chinese runners broke nine world records in the World Outdoor Track and Field Championships in Germany. The coach of these Chinese athletes attributed those results to the athletes regular use of a Cordyceps-based tonic. Because Cordyceps helps increase stamina, energy levels, and endurance, it has become one of the top-selling sports supplements among the worlds' elite competitive athletes.
In traditional Chinese medicine, C. sinensis is considered to benefit the lung and kidney channels. It is commonly used with the elderly in China as a type of "super-ginseng" for rejuvenation and stamina.
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Scientific Name(s): Cordyceps sinensis (Berk.) Sacc. Family: Clavicipitaceae
Common Name(s): Cordyceps , Chinese caterpillar fungus , Cs-4 , Dong Chong Xia Cao , 1 , 2 semitake
Clinical Overview
Uses of Cordyceps
Affects numerous human body systems, including the circulatory, respiratory, and immune systems, as well as the liver, kidneys, and sex organs. Cordyceps has been used as an adjuvant in cancer therapy.
Cordyceps Dosing
Accurate dosing is not available. Many herbal supplements on the market contain varying undefined levels of this product.
Contraindications have not yet been identified.
Information regarding safety and efficacy in pregnancy and lactation is lacking. Avoid use.
Cordyceps Interactions
None well documented.
Cordyceps Adverse Reactions
Mild GI discomfort (including nausea, upset stomach, and dry mouth).
Cordyceps is considered to be very safe and an oral LD50 (median lethal dose) could not be defined. Doses in mice of 80 g/kg body weight did not cause death. One study indicated that Cordyceps is not mutagenic or teratogenic. There are reports from clinical studies of mild GI discomfort (including nausea, upset stomach, and dry mouth). In another report, some patients taking Cs-4 developed a systemic allergic reaction. 3
C. sinensis is a black, blade-shaped fungus found primarily in the high altitudes on the Tibetan plateau in China. Wild cordyceps is rare. This mushroom is parasitic and grows on and derives its nutrients from moth caterpillars. In the fall, the fungal mycelia infect the caterpillar. The fungal infestation kills the caterpillar by early summer of the following year, thus releasing the fruiting body. The wild form of C. sinensis is harvested, while the principal fungal mycelium ( Paecilomyces hepiali Chen) is cultivated aseptically. 2
The fruiting body and attached mycelium of cordyceps has been used in Chinese culture for centuries. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is valued for its activity in restoring energy, promoting longevity, and improving quality of life. C. sinensis affects numerous human body systems including the circulatory, respiratory, and immune systems, as well as the liver, kidneys, and sex organs. Cordyceps has been used as an adjuvant in cancer therapy. 2 , 3 , 4
Seven classes of natural chemical constituents are found in wild C. sinensis including proteins, peptides, all essential amino acids, and polyamines; saccharides and sugar derivatives; sterols; nucleosides (including adenine, uracil, uridine, guanosine, thymidine, and deoxyuridine); fatty acids and other organic acids; vitamins (including B 1 , B 2 , B 12 , E, and K); and inorganic elements. 2 , 5 Cordycepin and other adenosine derivatives, mannitol, several unique sterols and their glycosides, polysaccharides, and cyclic peptides have been identified. 6
Scientific Name(s): Cordyceps sinensis (Berk.) Sacc. Family: Clavicipitaceae
Common Name(s): Cordyceps , Chinese caterpillar fungus , Cs-4 , Dong Chong Xia Cao , 1 , 2 semitake
Clinical Overview
Uses of Cordyceps
Affects numerous human body systems, including the circulatory, respiratory, and immune systems, as well as the liver, kidneys, and sex organs. Cordyceps has been used as an adjuvant in cancer therapy.
Cordyceps Dosing
Accurate dosing is not available. Many herbal supplements on the market contain varying undefined levels of this product.
Contraindications have not yet been identified.
Information regarding safety and efficacy in pregnancy and lactation is lacking. Avoid use.
Cordyceps Interactions
None well documented.
Cordyceps Adverse Reactions
Mild GI discomfort (including nausea, upset stomach, and dry mouth).
Cordyceps is considered to be very safe and an oral LD50 (median lethal dose) could not be defined. Doses in mice of 80 g/kg body weight did not cause death. One study indicated that Cordyceps is not mutagenic or teratogenic. There are reports from clinical studies of mild GI discomfort (including nausea, upset stomach, and dry mouth). In another report, some patients taking Cs-4 developed a systemic allergic reaction. 3
C. sinensis is a black, blade-shaped fungus found primarily in the high altitudes on the Tibetan plateau in China. Wild cordyceps is rare. This mushroom is parasitic and grows on and derives its nutrients from moth caterpillars. In the fall, the fungal mycelia infect the caterpillar. The fungal infestation kills the caterpillar by early summer of the following year, thus releasing the fruiting body. The wild form of C. sinensis is harvested, while the principal fungal mycelium ( Paecilomyces hepiali Chen) is cultivated aseptically. 2
The fruiting body and attached mycelium of cordyceps has been used in Chinese culture for centuries. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is valued for its activity in restoring energy, promoting longevity, and improving quality of life. C. sinensis affects numerous human body systems including the circulatory, respiratory, and immune systems, as well as the liver, kidneys, and sex organs. Cordyceps has been used as an adjuvant in cancer therapy. 2 , 3 , 4
Seven classes of natural chemical constituents are found in wild C. sinensis including proteins, peptides, all essential amino acids, and polyamines; saccharides and sugar derivatives; sterols; nucleosides (including adenine, uracil, uridine, guanosine, thymidine, and deoxyuridine); fatty acids and other organic acids; vitamins (including B 1 , B 2 , B 12 , E, and K); and inorganic elements. 2 , 5 Cordycepin and other adenosine derivatives, mannitol, several unique sterols and their glycosides, polysaccharides, and cyclic peptides have been identified. 6
cordyceps menurut wikipedia
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Cordyceps ophioglossoides
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Fungi
Subkingdom: Dikarya
Phylum: Ascomycota
Subphylum: Pezizomycotina
Class: Sordariomycetes
Subclass: Hypocreomycetidae
Order: Hypocreales
Family: Clavicipitaceae
Genus: Cordyceps
C. bassiana (Bals.-Criv.)
C. gunnii
C. ophioglossoides
C. sinensis
C. subsessilis (Petch)
C. unilateralis
Cordyceps is a genus of ascomycete (Sac Fungi) fungi that includes about 400 described species. All Cordyceps species are endoparasitoids, mainly on insects and other arthropods (they are thus entomopathogenic fungi); a few are parasitic on other fungi. The best known species of the genus is Cordyceps sinensis[1], first recorded as yartsa gunbu in Tibet in the 15th Century [2]. The Latin etymology describes cord as "club", ceps as "head", and sinensis as "chinese". Cordyceps sinensis, known in English commonly as caterpillar fungus is considered a medicinal mushroom in oriental medicines, such as Traditional Chinese Medicines[3] and Traditional Tibetan medicine.
When a Cordyceps fungus attacks a host, the mycelium invades and eventually replaces the host tissue, while the elongated fruiting body (stroma) may be cylindrical, branched, or of complex shape. The stroma bears many small, flask-shaped perithecia that contain the asci. These in turn contain the thread-like ascospores, which usually break into fragments and are presumably infective.
Some Cordyceps species are able to affect the behavior of their insect host; Cordyceps unilateralis causes ants to climb a plant and attach there before they die. This ensures the parasite's environment is of the optimal temperature and humidity, and maximal distribution of the spores from the fruiting body that sprouts out of the dead insect is achieved.[4]
The genus has a worldwide distribution and most of the approximately 400 species[5] have been described from Asia (notably China, Japan, Korea and Thailand). Cordyceps species are particularly abundant and diverse in humid temperate and tropical forests.
The genus has many anamorphs (asexual states), of which Beauveria (possibly including Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium, and Isaria) are the better known, since these have been used in biological control of insect pests.
Some Cordyceps species are sources of biochemicals with interesting biological and pharmacological properties[6], like cordycepin; the anamorph of Cordyceps subsessilis (Tolypocladium inflatum) was the source of ciclosporin — a drug helpful in human organ transplants, as it suppresses the immune system (Immunosuppressive drug).[7]
* 1 Cordyceps research
* 2 Cordyceps introduction to the world
* 3 Value of cordyceps
* 4 Gallery
* 5 See also
* 6 References
* 7 Further reading
* 8 External links
[edit] Cordyceps research
Cordycepin a compound isolated from the "Caterpillar fungus".
Some work has been published in which Cordyceps sinensis has been used to protect the bone marrow and digestive systems of mice from whole body irradiation.[8] An experiment noted Cordyceps sinensis may protect the liver from damage.[9] An experiment with mice noted the mushroom may have an anti-depressant effect.[10] Researchers have noted that Cordyceps has a hypoglycemic effect and may be beneficial for people with insulin resistance.[11][12][13][14][15]
[edit] Cordyceps introduction to the world
Outside the East, the world was largely unaware of cordyceps. This changed when the fungus caught the world's attention due to three female Chinese athletes, Wang Junxia, Qu Yunxia, and Zhang Linli. These athletes broke 5 world records for 1,500, 3,000 and 10,000 meters in 1993 at the National Games in Beijing, China. The amount of new world records being set at a single track event caused much attention and suspicion. Following the races, the women were expected by some to fail drug tests for anabolic steroids. However, the athletes' tests revealed no illegal substances, and coach Ma Junren told reporters that the runners were taking Cordyceps at his request.
[edit] Value of cordyceps
According to Modern Marvels, a show on the History Channel, mushroom hunters in Tibet can earn $900 dollars for an ounce of cordyceps.[1]
According to Daniel Winkler, the price of cordyceps has risen dramatically in the capital of Tibet, Lhasa.[16]
Year % Price Increase Price/kg (Yuan)
1980s 1,800
1997 467% 8,400
2004 429% 36,000
2005 10,000-60,000
cordyceps menurut kompas

Cordyceps, Rahasia Stamina Kuat
Jamur cordyceps yang langka.
Jumat, 17 Juli 2009 | 19:22 WIB
KOMPAS.com - Selama berabad-abad, masyarakat Cina mulai dari pelosok desa hingga istana Kaisar sudah memanfaatkan jamur sebagai ramuan penuh khasiat. Di antara berbagai jenis jamur yang tumbuh di sana, Cordyceps sinensis menempati tempat tinggi dalam ilmu pengobatan Cina.
Cordyceps sinensis merupakan jamur langka yang hanya tumbuh di dataran tinggi Tibet. Ia memerlukan waktu 5-7 tahun untuk melengkapi siklus hidupnya. Cordyceps bersifat endoparasitoid, menumpang pada serangga dan hewan artropoda, termasuk kaki seribu.
Coryceps secara tradisional diolah dengan cara direbus dengan daging bebek dan berbagai rempah-rempah lainnya. Air rebusannya kemudian diminum atau dijadikan sup. Selain lezat, juga penuh khasiat. Ilmu pengobatan tradisional Cina menganjurkan orang mengonsumsi jamur ini untuk menguatkan stamina dan tenaga, serta meningkatkan fungsi seksual.
Sayang, harga jamur ini sangat mahal, konon lebih berharga dari emas. Karena langka dan harganya sangat mahal, hanya kalangan istana Kaisar saja yang memanfaatkan jamur ini.
Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, inovasi pun terus dilakukan. Lewat penelitian biologis dan uji klinis selama lebih dari 200 cordyceps yang dikumpulkan dari seluruh pelosok Cina, para peneliti berhasil memperoleh strain Cs-4 dari jamur mycelia cordyceps yang punya khasiat setara dengan jamur yang tumbuh alami di dataran tinggi Tibet.
Kini manfaat dari jamur tersebut bisa kita dapatkan dalam bentuk kapsul suplemen. Dr.Jia-Shi Zhu, Senior Director of clinical affair and pharmacology dari Pharmanex, mengatakan penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap kelompok lansia, orang biasa, serta para atlet menunjukkan adanya peningkatan ketahanan dan kemampuan aerobik, serta metabolisme tubuh, setelah mereka mengonsumsi suplemen cordyceps.
Namun, berbeda dari kafein atau ephedrine, mycelia cordyceps tidak merangsang susunan saraf pusat. "Energi yang dihasilkan berasal dari metabolisme oksigen. Penelitian terhadap atlet pria menunjukkan adanya peningkatan suplai oksigen dari jantung ke otot serta mengurangi kadar asam laktat, sehingga energi lebih banyak dihasilkan," kata Zhu.
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